Thursday, October 20, 2016

The Heart Curse to Blessed Covenant

Your Trial or Error,

-Day Sixty-two 10/20 of the "week," prophecy 08/18/ a week before the last Syrian Truce, 08/25 a countdown to resurrection and Daniel's Week, 2001-2017; 2017/18-2024/25, see

Righteously Dividing The Enemy

Prophecy Link

When The Fat Man Sings Armageddon               

     -Seen to be seeing Michael Clark Duncan from the movie, Armageddon, singing opera in the wildernesses just before he died, I remember thinking, I didn't know he could sing. (when the fat lady/man sing I guess. the ultimate dare, that the impossible can't happen until the fat lady/man sing, Armageddon is here, Apb

The Sacrifice of the wicked are an abomination to God, Prob. 21:27, see Cain
The Sacrifices of God are a broken spirit, a broken and a contrite heart, O God, thou will not despise, see Ps. 51, see Abel

And A Child Shall Lead Them, One Way Prayer                                                  

     -Sharing this prayer just remind me while I was ironing a week or so ago, my god grand son, DeAnthony whose five, and I got into a conversation about heaven. Well he replied he didn't know whether it existed, then he asked where is it? And I told him, it's called the third heavens, meaning it's beyond the sky, the stars, and he said, up in space, and impressed I said yes.
     -Then he walked off busy playing and I said, continuing, I been there, so I know it's there, when I was there I saw God reach into the people's chest and take the old heart out; their old heart was right there beating in His hand, then I watch Him give them a new heart, a heart of Jesus.

The Covenant Heart

         “A new heart also will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within you: and I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh, and I will give you an heart of flesh.” Eze. 36:26, Hebs. 10

     -I said, the old heart is mean, ugly, cruel and selfish, and I could just see the curiousness on his face as he considered the people he knew that was like that, including himself. Then I said, but the heart of Jesus, the heart of Jesus is loving, kind, compassionate and really loving, giving and again just as I walked off to finish what I was doing, I could see him imagining the people he knew that was just like that.
     -Then he said, moving off somewhere else, playing, how can I get a heart like Jesus? And I said, all you have to do is ask God, and He'll give you a heart like Jesus, and I lead him to pray, where he, himself asked God to give him a heart like Jesus.
     -You see, God's Will is done when all who will come agree to release their birth upon corrupt hearts and ask for, and take in, upon all that's life, love and treasure for them, this heart of Jesus, born again, for wherever a man's treasures are, there is also his heart.
     -This morning before school, DeAnthony just out of the blue said disappointedly, I don't even know what death is? I explain not only what death is, but what Jesus who died and three days came back alive does for those who die belonging to him, calling them instead asleep. How since He rose from death, now He rises from death/sleep and take to heaven all those who love (serve) Him, (see I Cor. 15:51-58), so, got Him, got Jesus yet? Apb, The RAM

The Cursed Heart

     -For from within, out of the heart of men, proceed evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, murders, thefts, covetousness, wickedness, deceit, lasciviousness, an evil eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishness: All these evil things come from within, and defile the man, Jesus St. Mk. 7:21-23 ...and ye shall know them by the fruits (works of the flesh or the Holy Spirit), they bare...Jesus, Mat. 7:15-20

The Sunlight Of God

     -So when the Sunlight of God, doing astonishing celebrations in heaven instead move from behind a mountain, where Holy Spirits lead you and speak and I quote Him, "let my people go," the reason Jesus' Gospel exist. You do know, as Jesus Himself, said, only the truth like recorded here, can make us, that's free mankind, and believing mankind himself from the great whore of Religion who sitteth upon the people, Rev. 17.
     -Hence the Spirit and Bride says come, the Marriage Supper hath made itself ready, and the Born Again of Jesus, are welcome, if you love, share, see the one way prayer here,
also here,

Listening To Selah: O The Blood,

Friday, October 7, 2016

I Will Sup With Him

     Day Forty-nine 10/07 of the "week," prophecy, 08/18, a week prior to the last Syrian Truce, 08/25, a countdown to resurrection and Daniel's Week, 2001-2017, see Dan. 9, see also
Righteously Dividing The Enemy                                                      

     Je suis (I Am, We Are) Jesus Christ, blessed are those that mourn for they shall be comforted, JCON; “you will hurt, you will bleed, but soon you will be in paradise with Jesus,” instead of killing the world to maintain a crumbling to dust American Dream, parents in restricted counties, teach their children how to instead die for Jesus, the only good death unto immortal life, to reign with Jesus Christ, see people, fellowship of the martyrs, Apb,  

Righteously Dividing The Enemy

Remember these Forewarnings? Apb. The RAM

The Rapture, End-Times in the Links Prophecy

      Seen to be taken off to heaven, seen to be seeing he taking me was God manifested in Flesh, seen to hand off to the prophet Ezekiel, spring of 1986/1993, 
     There’s something about the Rapture, some by grace, others by the wine press of God 06/12/2003
     Seen to be in the heavens, seen to be seeing a dress rehearsal for the Rapture of the church 01/06/2004
     Seen to be in heaven, seen to be seeing a trial run for the rapture of the church, the rapture of the church mightily on the map 01/08/2004
     Seen to be in the heavens, seen to be seeing a trial run for the second coming of Jesus Christ to the battle of Armageddon 01/08/2004
     Seen to be seeing a key, the bottomless pit and Satan being placed into prison, Satan one thousand year imprisonment on the map 01/14/2004
     Seen to be seeing, visited upon by the archangel Gabriel, he seen to be declaring “The Fulfillment Of All Things Is Upon Us" Gabriel also declaring: “She’s going or coming with the seventh Angel" the seventh angel on the map 05/15/2004
     Seen to seeing a cloud fat and bursting through with the first resurrection saints shooting into the heavens like rockets at meeting the Lord Christ in the heavens 02/14/2004
      As so was I reassured by what could only be described as text like messages from heaven, all saying and again I quote "Jesus is coming, Jesus is on the way,” if you also read this behind a Darius, he is my youngest son, and at times I witness through him.  Take note here, Holy Spirits forewarn, not only that Jesus is coming,  Jesus been coming as promised for thousands of years, though now, Jesus and those of the Heavenly Host assisting Him are in flight,  “that’s on His, Their way to snatch us out. O happy Day For All Eternity!


You Just entered the Septennial…2001-2017

The Septennial 2012,

And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast:

    Unto Dayson Peak Deburk and Robin Jaybird Longknife was born their first son Arise Sioux Noel Deburk, their second son Standing Apache Arrow Deburk, their third son Cheyenne Water Falls Deburk, their fourth son Marked Tree Hill Deburk, their fifth son Wounded Knee, Saber Tooth Deburk, their sixth son Lion Wolf Paw Deburk, their seventh son Medicine Bow Sign Deburk, and their last son Bronze Coten Field Deburk and a daughter Falcon Wings, Nesting Brave Heart Longknife     

Unto Beethoven Fifth Arts and Falcon Wings, Nesting Braveheart Longknife was born, see more here...

     "But Lorna husband said she said the rejection toward Him, Jesus was brutal, like beyond hatred, that it was more demonic and very threatening and these Falcon were church people. So Morgan were the ones who drove the nails through Him, remember what Christ said to Governor Pilate? How those who delivered him to Pilate had committed the greatest offense, those who delivered him were the very religion lifted up in beyond this world churches, praises and sacrifices of the wicked, it's the Catholic's Pope right now, commanding that people are not corrected regarding their sexual immorality; meaning you guys mass assembly is no longer about getting people to their One Righteousness, if it ever was, which is Christ Jesus, awake, awake to this wickedness! Every time even an ounce of spiritual truth is spilled into it, into the light that is dark, it is being revealed for the covert evil it actually is. While millions of God's anointed, even those right now have been slaughtered since Cain slew Abel because of it. Wow Falcon, you're right, he is, BFA Files, but how can you love God and hate the truth, how can you love Jesus and hate the truth, how can you assemble under it's banner of righteousness and again hate it? You can't, men take too much pleasure in evil, meaning it's all a falsity, just as Jesus announced it all as being where Satan, I'm thinking gladly, proudly, placed His Seat, bruising as prophesied, Jesus' heel. The unrighteous cannot sit, ah, be made comfortable in the assembly of the righteous, the Holy Anointing forbids it, thus they've created their own. In other words, sitting in the midst of Holy Spirits, is like sitting in the working of a piercing, two egde sword, being wield, even wedged throughout it's Temple by It's Almighty, none but the repentant as of Christ's Cross you guys will endure it, none. I mean my mom, well, I'm you guys, wait, wait, I have a, I hear Brave, Morgan here, a life long friend call you Falcon, why is that? That's her name, you didn't know that? No, I'm her husband now and no I didn't know that, yes, her name is Falcon Braveheart, and I didn't  know you guys were actually married. You didn't know that? Well welcome Morg to the things unknown about, now let me get this right, about Falcon Braveheart, ah to be sincere darling, husband, it's Falcon Wings, Nesting Braveheart, ...yes, yes, and I believe that is grounds for divorce, what? Yes, apparently I married you under false pretense, supposed I didn't want to marry a girl named wings of a Falcon, ah Nesting some place," as one made tickled, as they all were laughing, a table of about five of them, the new generation of the Septennial Juttah, of Christ's soon to be reigning Millennium. "Apparently that is not what I said, ah, did I, the husband, get your birth name all wrong, anything else I should know? Only that it's time to go, it was nice meeting you Morg man," happily giving his hand, along bringing him a pat to his shoulder of reassurance, the generosity of Beethoven Fifth Artz. "It was really nice, BFA meeting you too, so yes on the Brides maid? Yes, I'm sorry, yes, tell your intended, Beth, I, that I would be glad to be, ah, that, I will, thanks. Ah, BFA, you was saying something about the mother, ah, yours, yes, ah no not mine, but a friend, ah, Heus, actually Maaseiah, she, ah, hum, come to think of it. It was right before his dad took ill, even died a few times, died a few times, what like a Lazarus? Ah, he, well Satan used him, her husband to threaten her, about unveiling the truth, how so many are offended it could be a danger to her. Ah said she described as it was a literal army of Angels which abruptly engulf and enveloped her inside and out, at announcing themselves I guess this guard all about her, and as my lovely wife's did note, you all, I must go! So that's Falcon Braveheart, she is stunning as you say, yeah, and BFA files, alive in the flesh, yeah, the anointed spirit just pouring up and out of Him. It is said, Jesus is the Light, as so are His Anointed and Shawn you can really see that in him. You Morg can also see she is definitely your one that got away, are you brother telling me I'm that obvious, did you know, that he didn't know her name? Well," as one coming up this leave, as the rest of them did, the day was yet young, with most of their classes, chores done, now on for fun. "Let's just say I know Brave, and thus I knew chances were she'd not told him, now Shawn," as a conniving one, laying a hand of mischief on his shoulder, as well demanding the other's attention. "Just imagine being married to a woman like that," as one keeping curious eyes affixed to them until the last, this was the Juttah, and Morgan Jason Fairably had to keep his heart accordingly, surely Falcon Wings, Nesting Braveheart now allied to a beyond perfect spouse, was indeed the one yet getting away from him. "Ah that's easy Morg, as I'm to imagine being married at all, show you right." Beware, Apb, The RAM, see also,

Saturday, August 6, 2016

Selah - O The Blood

He Shed His Blood For Me

Righteously Dividing The Enemy                                                     

     Je'suis (I Am, We Are), Jesus Christ, Asia Bibi and Imran Ghafur have waited for justice for more than seven years. Both are Christians in Pakistan facing life imprisonment for crimes against Islam.

     Asia Bibi, her husband, and two daughters, were one of three Christian families in a village of 1,500 families. Her female coworkers had often pressured her to renounce her faith. After a discussion on June 19, 2009, Asia responded to the women by sharing her faith in Christ. “Our Christ is the true prophet of God,” she reportedly told the women, “and yours is not true.”

   The Muslim women became angry and began to beat Asia, who was then locked in a closet. An announcement from the mosque loudspeaker declared that Asia would have her face blackened and be paraded through a village on a donkey. Christians informed the police, who immediately rescued her from being beaten, but Muslim authorities later pressed charges against the Christian woman, see more here,….
     Like Watching Noah's Earth/Flood, a voice, 2003, "Mark 17 and 7," like the days of Noah, Mat. 24, And There Was Silence In Heaven, Rev. 8:1, 96 AD, My Prayer Closet, 1993 AD, Apb

Prophecy Link

     Seen to be in heaven, seen to be seeing, experiencing a roll call right out of the book of life, where each name summon would miraculously rise from these ancient pages. As they float and fitter off into yonder places, this grace so amazing, then I awaken singing a new song for me, it's lyrics, "we exalt thee," truly you know your labors of Jesus Christ, are not in vain, again so beyond amazing, 05/15/2016, Apb

He Shed His Blood For Me,

       -This song, O The Blood, was playing in my head before I went to sleep, as I slept and just as I awaken, these phenomena lyrics both forewarn and blessed me. Well by now you know this end time Apostle, I couldn't ignore the blessed hope and endless value of it, that Holy Spirits want me to share it. As this song laments so staggeringly, even heart gripping, the Blood of Jesus is Christianity, Christianity, fallen mankind's empowerment to be born again into a type of Jesus, Holy Spirit. Temple of God. God was limited in His ability to be an Almighty God to Adam upon his fall, and couldn't restore this relationship to fellowship with Adam, thus with any of his lineage, meaning mankind, except by Christ's Bloody Cross, which washes those repentant, where sin is no longer practiced, white as snow, (sanctification into glorification,).
     -Finally you must understand, no manner of worship, or fellowship, or achievement on this planet, poverty nor celebrity can get you to Jesus, this is why He, Jesus threaten how those climbing up any other way. Not that they can, Jesus' blood being the only sacrifice for mankind, so those with these religious attempts will find themselves waking into the outer darkness of it. As so those now cast into the fiery pit of it, I mean ask my grandchildren, they will tell you, the same God who love you so much, and has commended His love by Christ's Cross, is the same, identical God, that's to cast you into hell except you. That's by Christ's Cross, pound self and self seeking, all these practices of evil into the dust, whose fan is in a Righteous Jesus' hand, that you Rise again, a Holy Man as the Last Adam, Jesus.
     -When Holy Spirit say living a sinless life as is described in Romans 6 and 1 John 3, how those who commit sin are of the devil, for the devil sin from the beginning and aboard not in the truth, stop letting mass assembly fool you. That this is only possible, a sinless life, as you surrender all life, all love and all treasured on this planet and beyond to Holy Spirits, now born again, completely, allowing Him, a new heart, man, Christian. This is how Jesus was able to label the religious leaders not the children of God, but those of the devil, for a righteous tree cannot, and thus will not bear evil fruits as these wicked leaders often did; actually making and marking them, like the leaders of Churchians presently more mankind's enemy than his friend, encouraging self sacrifice unto salvation and divine transformation, into godliness toward them.
     -Often by my family I'm accused of trying to be perfect in righteousness as Jesus Christ, when I explain that and that alone is what make me, is what deem any man a Christian. That's dying to or from this cursed life, now crucified with, as Christ to rise again to a newness of spirit life and truth, for the Holy Father seeketh such from you, Adam/mankind. This extraordinary anointing the Christ to religious leaders simply declared, being born again, now and only then are we worthy with, as Jesus, to ascend. Henceforth, those ministers instructing you to die, and when you've done all, to die, and still when you've supposedly accomplished all temporal things. That you're still to die along this narrow path so few travel, there's just no other way to get to Jesus Christ, to God's Throne, now it's forever heir, the second death having lost it's power.
    -Unmistakable, this is the leader loving you more than they love anything on this planet, even themselves, even their own families, having themselves planet all that's treasured above, again as Jesus's reign so will they, hearts now in heaven. Plainly, simply, we either by His Blood have as our head and serve Jesus or like the rebellious we have chaos continuously, then death and judgment, there is no straddling the fence of it. As I described, this song, one of it's greatest kind on this earth, points a world back to Jesus, that's back as in forward to the Blood Heir of a Supreme God, by the woman seed alone, taking on human flesh, this curse for us. Remarkably, not only dwelling but dying among us to again by His Blood shed restore immortal life to all men repenting, so regardless of your robes being of, as a crimson stain, by the divine blood sacrifice of Holy Spirits, it's again, washed, while the white is fir the righteousness of the saints, be aware as God Himself, Apb, The RAM, see more here,